Monday, October 29, 2007

OTN = New England Patriots?

The last two weeks OTN has dismantled the #2 and #3 teams in the league while scoring a combined 241 points. Just as I thought Washington might challenge New England, I thought Spooner might pose a challenge....but no.

Maybe the suddenly red hot Genuine Bakula can give OTN a run. Or the Lake Lizards, who somehow beat OTN in week 2 can do it again in week 10 when Tom Brady is on his bye week. Unless Brady gets points for fertilizing super models during his off week. Then the Lizards will have no chance.


Rear Admir0l said...

My 23 point lead going into the 4 oclock games rapidly evaporated, and since my kicker needed 8 or more 50+ yd field goals to keep up w. Gorgeous T, yet his offense couldn't get the ball past their own 20 without throwing a pick, I was doomed.

The Greguar said...

The Genuine Bakula is much like the Colts today. Outwardly confident acting like they have a chance, but inside knowing it won't happen.

The OTN does have a loss which is the only hope any of us have.