Thinking about this earlier in the day as I was trying to figure out whether to watch 'First Take' or 'Sportscenter'. Eventually, I realized that the fact I was contemplating not watching SC showed just how far the show has fallen. Back in the day, late night/early morning SC was must watch TV. You had a great mix of anchors, including Dan Patrick, Keith Olbermann, Craig Kilborn, Larry Biehl, Bob Ley, Charlie Steiner, etc.
Each of these anchors brought his own personality to the show without having a shtick that overpowered the fact that the show was about sports and sports highlights(see Scott, Stu).
My personal fave: Charlie Steiner. He seemed to enjoy the job, while at the same time, realized that the show wasn't about him. Also he was hilarious in some of the 'This is SportsCenter' commercials.
Some examples:
So, whoyagot?
I would often watch ESPN JUST TO SEE the sports center commercials. Especially in the summer when the tour and tennis were dominating things to watch.
One of my favorite - which Peyton Manning aped on his SNL was the mentoring program.
"you're not hurt, your parents signed the waiver. . ."
I'm going to go with Kenny Mayne, mostly because all the other guys on the list except for Steiner take/took themselves way too seriously.
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